
iPRODUCE, a new challenge for Trentino Sviluppo

The iPRODUCE European project, funded under the European Horizon 2020 Program, also includes Trentino Sviluppo among its partners. The aim of the project is to encourage the democratization of innovation and make a social manufacturing portal available to European SMEs. It is a question of networking regional manufacturing ecosystems, the so-called "Collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities" - cMDF - from 6 different countries: Greece, Italy, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany.

The European project iPRODUCE, funded under the European Horizon 2020 Program, includes Trentino Sviluppo among its partners.

The goal of the project is to foster the democratization of innovation and make a social manufacturing portal available to European SMEs.

It involves networking regional manufacturing ecosystems, so-called “Collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities” – cMDFs – from 6 different nations: Greece, Italy, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany.

The Italian cMDF will be led by Trentino Sviluppo and in particular will involve the ProM Facility laboratory and other regional players such as microelectronics SMEs, research institutions, local FabLabs, etc.

The iPRODUCE project involves the creation of an open, supportive digital platform for SMEs that will have the opportunity to:

– access innovative IT tools (virtual reality, augmented reality, online co-design tools, smart contracts on blockchain, etc.).

– contact network members and collaborate with other European SMEs

design and co-design products

– benefit from prototyping solutions.

Trentino Sviluppo is coordinator of the network of the 6 regional centres, with the task of mapping the skills, equipment, technical characteristics and services of the individual networks, to produce an operational plan that enables joint work among the 6 cMDFs, in order to avoid overlaps, inefficiencies and redundancies.

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