Privacy policy

Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679

TRENTINO SVILUPPO S.p.A., with registered office in Rovereto, Via Zeni, no. 8, represented by its legal representative pro tempore, as controller of the personal data that you have communicated voluntarily (verbally, by e-mail, through the website, etc.), is providing you with the following information regarding the processing of your personal data pursuant to Article 13, GDPR (in short, “Information Notice”).

  1. Identity and contact details of the Data Controller
    Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A.
    Via Zeni, n.8 – 38068 Rovereto (TN)
    Tax Code and VAT no. 00123240288
    Telephone 0464 443111
  2. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
    Office of the Data Protection Officer – DPO
    Trentino Sviluppo – RPD, via Zeni, n. 8 – 38068 Rovereto (TN)
    Phone: 0464 443312
  3. Purpose of the processing for which the personal data are intended and their legal basis and retention periods.
    Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
Navigation data (language settings, IP address, device settings, mobile operating system, time of use, URL request, status information, user agent (browser version information, operating system)). The website may also collect data, also for third parties, through cookies (please see the relevant information notice).Managing website navigation and technical management of the services provided, as well as enabling analysis, checking the number of visitors and ensuring the security and optimal functionality of the website and navigation/services for users.The legal basis for processing is the consent of the data subject (Art. 6 para. 1(a) and/or the legitimate interest of the owner in ensuring the security and optimal functionality of the website and in protecting its rights.Personal data will be kept for the time needed to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, and for dealing with disputes with any third parties; in any case, for the time needed to carry out activities, including detection and prevention of fraud or other illegal activities.
Identification and contact data provided voluntarily by the data subject when using the services offered by the website.Responding to any requests for information from data subjects and/or providing services requested by data subjects.The legal basis for processing is execution of measures taken at the request of the data subject, performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.Personal data will be kept for the time needed to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected.
Identification and contact data provided voluntarily by the data subject when using the services offered by the website.Sending the Data Subject, via the contact details provided on the website, communications on initiatives, services offered by the Data Controller, as well as newsletters, publications, questionnaires and surveys by e-mail following registration for the service by the Data Subject.The legal basis for processing is the consent of the data subject (Art. 6 para. 1(a) or, where possible, Art. 130, para. 4 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (if the data controller should use, for the direct sales of its own products or services, the e-mail details provided by the data subject in the sale of a product or service, it may not require the data subject's consent, provided that the services in question are similar to those being sold and that the data subject, adequately informed, does not refuse that use, either initially or at the time of subsequent communications). At the time of collection and when any communication is sent for the purposes in this paragraph, the data subject is notified of being able to object to processing at any time, easily and free of charge.Personal data will be stored for 24 months in order to send communications to the data subject (12 months for communications based on profiling with the consent of the data subject). At the end of the period, the data subject will receive a request to confirm his/her willingness to receive communications from the data controller.
TYPE OF DATA PROCESSEDNavigation data (language settings, IP address, device settings, mobile operating system, time of use, URL request, status information, user agent (browser version information, operating system)). The website may also collect data, also for third parties, through cookies (please see the relevant information notice).
PURPOSE OF PROCESSINGManaging website navigation and technical management of the services provided, as well as enabling analysis, checking the number of visitors and ensuring the security and optimal functionality of the website and navigation/services for users.
LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSINGThe legal basis for processing is the consent of the data subject (Art. 6 para. 1(a) and/or the legitimate interest of the owner in ensuring the security and optimal functionality of the website and in protecting its rights.
RETENTION TIMESPersonal data will be kept for the time needed to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, and for dealing with disputes with any third parties; in any case, for the time needed to carry out activities, including detection and prevention of fraud or other illegal activities.
TYPE OF DATA PROCESSEDIdentification and contact data provided voluntarily by the data subject when using the services offered by the website.
PURPOSE OF PROCESSINGResponding to any requests for information from data subjects and/or providing services requested by data subjects.
LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSINGThe legal basis for processing is execution of measures taken at the request of the data subject, performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject.
RETENTION TIMESPersonal data will be kept for the time needed to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected.
TYPE OF DATA PROCESSEDIdentification and contact data provided voluntarily by the data subject when using the services offered by the website.
PURPOSE OF PROCESSINGSending the Data Subject, via the contact details provided on the website, communications on initiatives, services offered by the Data Controller, as well as newsletters, publications, questionnaires and surveys by e-mail following registration for the service by the Data Subject.
LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSINGThe legal basis for processing is the consent of the data subject (Art. 6 para. 1(a) or, where possible, Art. 130, para. 4 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (if the data controller should use, for the direct sales of its own products or services, the e-mail details provided by the data subject in the sale of a product or service, it may not require the data subject's consent, provided that the services in question are similar to those being sold and that the data subject, adequately informed, does not refuse that use, either initially or at the time of subsequent communications). At the time of collection and when any communication is sent for the purposes in this paragraph, the data subject is notified of being able to object to processing at any time, easily and free of charge.
RETENTION TIMESPersonal data will be stored for 24 months in order to send communications to the data subject (12 months for communications based on profiling with the consent of the data subject). At the end of the period, the data subject will receive a request to confirm his/her willingness to receive communications from the data controller.
  1. Optional provision of data Except for what is specified for navigation data, the data subject may provide personal data in the request forms on the website, e.g. to request information, newsletters, or communications and/or replies to requests sent via the website. Failure to provide data will make it impossible to perform the service requested. Providing data is optional for the sending of commercial communications and offers. Any refusal will not affect providing other services. You may object to that processing at any time, even after consent has been given for commercial purposes, by sending a request to the data controller at
  2. Categories of the recipients of personal data The only people who may access and gain knowledge of your data are those authorised to do so by the data controller; this is limited to the data they need to do their jobs.Without prejudice to communications made in fulfilment of legal and contractual obligations, all data collected and processed may be communicated solely for the purposes specified above to:
    • people authorised by the data controller (employees, collaborators, and trainees);
    • data processors and/or external collaborators of the data controller (e.g. IT consultants, suppliers of services related to website activities, etc.);
    • public and private entities to whom disclosure is obligatory by law or regulations;
    • subjects carrying out activities functional to the execution of contracts or services requested by the data subject, who may in some cases process the data as autonomous data controllers, providing their own information notice on data processing.
  3. Storage and transfer of personal data abroad Data may only be transferred abroad if the data controller decides to use IT services (website, e-mail, cloud services, e-mail marketing, etc.) managed by suppliers residing in countries outside the European Community or using servers located in foreign countries. The Controller will only transfer personal data to recipients offering an adequate level of data protection. In those cases, this will be based on contractual clauses or agreements that provide protection in line with European standards, or based on decisions on the adequacy of the recipient country.
  4. Exercisable rights In accordance with the provisions of Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, you may exercise the rights set out therein and in particular:
    1. Right of access – For confirmation of whether or not your personal data are being processed and, if so, for information, in particular, on: processing purposes, the categories of personal data processed and the retention period, the recipients to whom the data may be disclosed (Article 15, GDPR),
    2. Right of rectification – Obtain, without undue delay, rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and integration of incomplete personal data (Article 16, GDPR),
    3. Right to erasure – Obtain, without undue delay, the erasure of personal data concerning you, in the cases established by the GDPR (Article 17, GDPR),
    4. Right of restriction – Obtaining restriction of processing from data controllers, in cases established by the GDPR (Article 18, GDPR)
    5. Right to portability – To receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, the personal data concerning you provided to the Data Controllers, and obtain that they be transmitted to another data controller without problems, in cases established by the GDPR (Article 20, GDPR)
    6. Right to object – To object to the processing of your personal data, unless there are legitimate grounds for the controllers to continue processing (Article 21, GDPR)
    7. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – Lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority..
    The user may exercise these rights by sending a request to
  5. Managing cookies The technical cookies used on our website are both persistent and sessional and enable certain settings relating to the user’s browsing preferences to be saved.Browsing the site may redirect you to functions of other websites that in turn use cookies, such as YouTube, Facebook or other social networks on which you can share some of the content of this website. For more information on the use of cookies, please refer to the Cookie policy of this website.
  6. How to disable cookies? Cookies stored on the device’s hard disk can still be deleted.Disabling or deleting cookies may prevent optimal use of certain areas of the website or compromise use of services. also carries out anonymous statistical analysis using software provided by third parties such as Matomo. The processing of the data subject’s personal data may also be carried out using the following tools:
    • MagNews: tool for collecting and managing contacts, and sending e-mail communications and newsletters;
    • WordPress: website building platform.
Update date: 15 May 2023

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