
Sede ProM Facility

Work begins on the construction of Trentino Sviluppo’s new ProM Facility laboratories

The building will be larger than the current one enabling the laboratory to expand the its facilities. Integrated platform for design, development, implementation, verification and validation of production systems and processes serving mechatronics supply chain will be boosted.

Construction started today, Tuesday, 22 November, on the new ProM Facility and temporary laboratories. Present at the event for the official start-off this morning were Giulia Robol, deputy mayor of the Municipality of Rovereto, Sergio Anzelini, president of Trentino Sviluppo, the president of the Province Maurizio Fugatti and the councillor for Economic Development, Research and Labour Achille Spinelli, who commented, “The start of this construction site is a further sign of the Province’s commitment to implementing the new 2021-2027 smart specialization strategy, which includes strengthening existing laboratories and creating new facilities to serve businesses. Indeed, the fact that innovation, research and development are pursued in the same physical location facilitates the contamination of ideas and the birth of new industrial projects. Equally important are the spillovers to younger people. I am referring to students from Trentino technical schools, university students and researchers who will all have an additional place where they can experiment, give practical application to what they have learned during the lectures and acquire contacts with the business world and industrial investors that may prove useful when looking for work”.

The “near-zero energy” facility will be the new home of the ProM Facility and temporary laboratories, the equipped spaces intended for companies that choose to work in the building on specific prototyping and product development projects, in synergy with the other entities in Polo Meccatronica and with public and private research organisations in the area.

The project and the tender

The company ITI Impresa Generale Spa was awarded the design and execution of the work. They used a team of designers who developed the final and executive design, through the coordination of the Provincial Agency for Public Works (APOP) – Civil Works Service and through discussions with Trentino Sviluppo itself, which will be managing the new facility.
The expected duration of the construction site is 405 days and the total value of the work is 15.4 million euros, financed with ERDF and FSC European funds. The final construction will have a total volume of 42 thousand cubic meters and will rise behind the main building of Trentino Sviluppo in Rovereto.

The building will have three above-ground floors, where the laboratories serving companies in the Trentino mechatronics supply chain will be built, and a basement with a garage, utility rooms and some spaces for storage use.

The “near-zero energy” building

The new building is designed to keep energy consumption as low as possible. It is a “near-zero energy building – NZEB” according to the principles of environmental sustainability under LEED certification standards and includes:

  • the use of renewable energy sources (photovoltaic system and district heating)
  • high thermal insulation performance envelope, windows and doors
  • automatic control and regulation of the systems.
More room for ProM Facility

Part of the new facility will become the home of the ProM Facility mechatronics prototyping laboratories, currently located in building L of Polo Meccatronica. The new building, larger than the current one, will allow the Trentino Sviluppo facility to increase the equipment of its integrated platform for the design, development, implementation, verification and validation of production systems and processes serving the mechatronics supply chain.

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